37 Marquis Street, Bridgeton, Glasgow.
Mr Robert MacDonald. 1888.
Mr Robert MacDonald owned a public house at the corner of 37 Marquis Street and 101 Bernard Street, Bridgeton. He was an ardent FreeMason and brother R. W. M. 128 St John’s, Shettleston Lodge and a member of the Royal Arch Chapter and Royal Arch Mark, no. 87. He was only in his 30s when this drawing was taken of him. He was educated at Annfield Academy and was apprenticed for the Engineering to Randolph & Elder. He then traveled to America where he worked as an engineer and came home when he heard of his father’s death. His father also Robert occupied the pub in Marquis Street from the early 1870s. Robert gave up his career as an engineer and became the new license holder in 1885. He learned the trade very quickly and became a very good wine and spirit merchant and continued in the pub until his death in 1915. His wife Elizabeth then took over as licensee until the 1930s.
Many will still remember this old pub as the Kick Off owned by Christopher McHugh in the 1950s and 60s.