89 Stockwell Street, Glasgow, G1 5HE
Stockwell Street Application Refused – 1909
The publican of 89 Stockwell Street, James Buchanan (Lived at 370 Cumberland Street) has applied for a certificate for new premises at 111 Stockwell Street, or alternatively for a provisional grand and confirmation for the same premises.
The current landlords of 89 Stockwell Street were the Glasgow & South-Western Railway Company. They were putting up another building and the licence was for that building. The plan was to move into the new premises and give up the licence for 89 Stockwell Street when it was ready.
Bailie Guest and the Chairman asked if the applicant would consider giving up the licence he held in South Wellington Street if they granted the licence of this new premises. Bailie Paxton, on behalf of the applicant said “I do not think you are entitled to bargain with the applicant at all.”
After the court had retired to consider their decision, the Chairman announced that both applications were refused unanimously.
Licence Holders
- Miss Susan Murray
- Mr James Buchanan
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