Alexandra Hotel.
Argyll Hotel.
Aulay’s Bar.
Bridgend Bar.
Caledonian Hotel.
Clarendon Bar.
Columba Hotel.
George Hotel.
Grand Hotel.
Great Western Hotel.
Harbour Inn.
Imperial Hotel.
J & D’s Bar.
Kings Arms the.
Lochavullin Bar.
Lorne Bar.
Marine Hotel.
Markie Dan’s.
Oban Hotel.
Oban Inn the.
O’Donnell’s Bar.
Palace Hotel.
Regent Hotel.
Royal Hotel.
Station Hotel.
Tartan Tavern the.
In 1900 George Campbell died, he worked in the Clarendon Bar, Oban, Clarendon Bar, Argyle Street, Glasgow, owned by Mr Wilson.
1900 Alexander McGregor had the Great Western Hotel.
In 1904 Jasper Anderson had the Caledonian Hotel, Oban and the Spean Bridge Hotel.
In 1905 Charles E Henley owned the Bridgend Bar.
1905 Roderick Gilles took over the Imperial Hotel, he was formerly manager of the Blythswood Cottage, Glasgow.
1905 Peter Smith owned the Oban Hotel.
Members of the Oban Licensed Trade Association and friends, during a visit to the blending and bottling premises of John Dewar & Sons at Inveralmond. 1970.