Caterer and wine & spirit merchant.
On the 4th December 1891, Galloway’s catered for the principal chiefs of Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show. No Neck, Short Bull, Kicking Bull and Lone Bull with about fifty of the redskins sat down to dinner. The menu was specially selected for the occasion and reflects on the good taste of Mr Galloway, who looked after the wants of his guests and was assisted by his wife.
Messrs. T Y Paterson and Croall presided and several well-known gentlemen were present and took part in the proceedings, Mr G C Cragor acting as Interpreter. The four chiefs in name of their warriors, paid a hearty tribute to Mr Galloway’s hospitality, to which he suitably replied. After dinner, several musical selections were given, including a war song by the Indians; and the various toasts having been honoured, “Auld Lang Syne,” terminated the proceedings, which seemed to have been eminently enjoyed by all present.
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