Stonehaven ‘Debt’ Hotel to reopen
The Royal Hotel, Allardice Street, Stonehaven, is to reopen. This was announced after a meeting of the creditors of the hotel’s proprietor, Mr. Arthur J. Bond.
Mr. Ian Edwards, solicitor, Aberdeen, for the trustee appointed by the creditors, said that the trustee would reopen the hotel as soon as possible with a view to building up trade and the early sale of the hotel as a going concern.
After 20 creditors attended the private meeting at Stonehaven Sheriff Courthouse. They were told that there were debts in the region of £30,000 against Mr. Bond (44), whose present whereabouts were unknown. Mr. Bond, proprietor of the hotel since late 1967, had an order for the sequestration of his estate granted in his absence at Stonehaven Sheriff Court on January 7.
Mr. Edwards confirmed later that Mr. Bond’s whereabouts were not at present known. But he added: “He will in due course be cited to appear at a public examination before the sheriff, when he will be examined as to the circumstances leading up to bankruptcy proceedings.”
The trustee appointed by the creditors is an Aberdeen chartered accountant, Mr. W. A. H. Reid, 6 Golden Square. The creditors have also appointed a committee of three commissioners to advise him.