1034 Tollcross Road, Tollcross, Glasgow. G32 8UW. Tel: 01417783560.
The Waverley. 1991.
This old east end pub went through major alterations in the later 1990s, during this period the front of the entire pub was demolished and rebuilt.
In the 1890s Mrs Marion Morton was licensee for this old pub. Robert Rodger Robertson took over during the First World War paying an annul rent of £45.00, his wife Isabella took over the licence in 1916 as trustee.
Scottish Brewers took over the pub in 1958 along with the Kimberley, Tollcross Road, the Bowlers, Tollcross Road and the Red Lion on New City Road, the licensee for all these premises was Mr William Pender. He ran the Waverley for 20 years.
The Waverley has been extended in recent years with more extensive work planned in the near future.
The Waverley August 2005.