Also members of the Defence Association, Benevolent Institution, Glasgow Vintners.
Scottish Licensed Trade members 1932.
Scottish Licensed Trade 1961.
Included in this image front row are Mr. Sam Falconer, convener and Mrs. Falconer (centre); Mr. George Grier, president of the Glasgow and District L.T.D.A., and Mrs. Grier (right); and Mr. I. G. Donaldson, managing director of Carlsberg Scottish Importers (second from left, who was principal guest. In the picture also, with their ladies, are Mr. Frank Munro; Mr. Charles Sweeney, Mr. Alex. R. D. Anderson, editor of the N.G; Mr. George Ramster, secretary, Glasgow Association; and Mr. Michael J. Heraghty. 1971.
Barr archibald morris, president S.L.T.A.
Donald (Dan) Campbell, Leith Wine, Spirit and Beer Trade Association.
Jim Currie of Black & White, James Hogarth, Drybrough’s.
Mrs. C E Davidson, first women directors of the Edinburgh Licensed Trade Association.
Alexander Don, president of the Scottish Wine and Spirit Merchants Benevolent Institution. 1971.
Alastair Dow. President of the Ben. 1970.
Ewing C M F (president of the Scottish Licensed Trade Association. 1972.)
Thomas Flynn, President of the Scottish Licensed Trade.
Gorbals Ward, of the Glasgow & District Licensed Trade Defence Association had its first chain of office. It was presented at the ward’s annual dinner-dance by Mr. M J Caraban, sales manager of Ind Coope (Scotland) Ltd., to ward convener, Mr. S Falconer.. 1970.
Gow jack. Chairman of the Scottish Licensed Trade Veto Defence Fund.
Graham Alexander. President of the Scottish Wine, Spirit and Beer Trades Benevolent Institution. 1892.
Graham john d. President of the Glasgow Wine, Spirit and Beer Trade Employees’ Benevolent Institution. 1891.
Left Mr. Michael J. Heraghty; Mr. Raymond Strain; Mrs. Strain; Mrs. and Mr. J. A. Baillie (Guinness Glasgow). 1971.
Grier george, Glasgow’s New President. 1970.
Lundie william g president of the Scottish Wine and Spirit Merchants’ Benevolent Institution. 1971.
McCall david, president of the Tradeston division, licensed trade Defence Association.
MacDonald john. President of the Scottish Licensed Trade Defence Assoc… 1906.
McKean robert, President of the Employees Benevolent Institution.
Purves james. Secretary of S L T D A 1906.
Tosney queen p. Secretary of the Glasgow Wine, Spirit and Beer Trade Association. 1892.
Young james. The President of the Scottish Wine and Spirit Merchants Benevolent Institution 1974.
The Scottish Licensed Trade Association have recommendations to members for procedure on returns for revaluation of premises. The Association recommend that in submitting their returns members should write a covering letter to include the following two paragraphs:
(1). This information is given on the clear understanding that the valuation of all licensed premises in the area will be related to drawings seen as evidence of rental. If this is not to be so then the form must be returned and no record kept.
(2) While co-operating by submitting this data the ratepayer reserves the right to appeal on the basis that the Assessor’s duty is to value the heritable subject as they exist and on the basis of what rental they might command as between a willing landlord and a willing tenant. If members guard themselves by including these paragraphs, the Association’s advisers see no reason why, in subsequent negotiations and appeals, if all hotels and licensed premises cannot be achieved.
For advice reference can made to either Henry J Crone & Partners, 65 Renfield Street, Glasgow, C.2 (041-332- 7396) or Robert Galbraith & Lawson, 108 Renfield Street, Glasgow, C.2 (041-332-3403.)
Mr. Jack Gow, Chairman of the Scottish Licensed Trade Veto Defence Fund left, Mr. Roy Grier, junior vice-chairman; Mr. James G. Ross, senior vice-chairman; and Mr. J. A. R. MacPhail, vice-chairman, Scotch Whisky Association. The occasion was the annual meeting and luncheon of the fund, held in the Bellahouston Hotel, Glasgow. 1971.
Pictured at the annual dinner-dance of the Glasgow Vintners, are Mr. J Flynn, vice-president, and Mrs. Flynn; Mrs. and Bailie W. S. T. Park; Mrs. Smyth and Mr. E. Smyth, president. 1971.
Leading Glasgow trade officials hit out last week at the apathy shown among members to the annual general meeting of the Glasgow and District Licensed Trade Defence Association.
Out of a membership of over 1,000, only 35 members took their seats in the Grosvenor Restaurant…and the majority of these were directors. Mr. Donald MacLean, president, said he was disappointed at the small attendance and Mr. George Grier, senior vice-president, attacked the apathy.
Mr. Donald MacLean in the course of his presidential address, warned against sales to persons under 18 years of age. During 1968, he said 182 juveniles were found to be under the influence of drink when apprehended for various offences. This compared with 160 for 1967. The figures for 1969 are not available.
Mr. MacLean recalled that following representations by the directors, the licensing court in March made a recommendation that, in addition to the the notices exhibited in licensed premises relative to section 14 of the Licensing (Scotland) Act, 1962, a further notice be displayed at the entrance or entrances to licensed premises, or where more convenient, on the windows nearest the entrance or entrances, intimating that it is an offence for any person under 18 years of age to buy, or attempt to buy, or consume exciseable liquor in these premises and stating the maximum penalty which the law imposes.
The annual report of the association mentions that cases have been reported of employees being convicted for offences under subsection (1) of the above Section where the licence holder was either absent from the premises at the time of the offence was committed or was engaged in another part of the premises from that in which the offence took place.
Says the report: While the legal position of the licence-holder is clearly stated in the sub-section, it should be appreciated that offences of the nature referred to committed by employees on more than one occasion in the same premises could imply a lack of proper management on the part of the licensee and result in the circumstances being reported to the Licensing Court.
Dealing with the Valuation and Rating (Scotland) Act, Mr. MacLean said that under this Act, all licensed premises were now to be revalued and the new valuation figures would become operative from May, 1971. In a circular issued in March, 1971. In a circular issued in March 1969, the directors again recommended the adoption of the same procedure as that followed in 1959 and 1964 and which they are satisfied is the only satisfactory and practical method of dealing with the matter, said Mr. MacLean.
In July 1969, the joint surveyors advised that members should not disclosed their turn-over figures to the city assessor on the questionnaire forms which had been been received.
Following discussions the joint surveyors had with the assessor’s of licensed premises throughout the city.
The directors are convinced that the increasing unsatisfactory licensing position cannot be adequately or properly dealt with by the granting of new certificates in isolation and planning permission for such a policy which would create difficulties and defeat the desired and necessary over-all distribution of licensed premises.
Similar representations were made to the Corporation Planning Committee. The Corporation Housing Committee later recommended to the Corporation a six-point plan for provision to be made for licensed premises in housing areas and comprehensive areas. In view of this the directors have requested a meeting with the Corporation Housing Committee to discuss and consider the question of licensed premises in areas of housing development.
The retiring directors, R B Chassels, J Kelly, R T Grier and P R McCrudden, were re-elected.
After the meeting, the members were entertained to a film show on Asbach Brandy, followed by a tasting of Asbach, by courtesy of Peter Thomson (Perth), Ltd. Mr. E Munro, sales manager of the firm gave a commentary.
Glasgow Vintners Honour St. Patrick. 1971…
The Glasgow Vintners St. Patrick’s Day dinner dance, always a highly popular occasion, brought a big turnout at the Bellahouston Hotel, Glasgow.
In this picture: Mrs. J. Flynn; Mr. E. Smyth, president; Miss Roberta Reid, of Aer Lingus, with her basket of shamrocks; Canon McGuckin (Administrator, St Andrew’s Cathedral, Glasgow); Mrs. E Smyth; and Mr. J. Flynn, senior vice-president. 1971.
In this picture are Mr. d Bradley, junior vice-president, and Mrs. Bradley, with Mrs. and Mr. J. McCabe (past president). 1971.
Mr. A Birles, sales director, Gilbey Vintners (Scotland); Mrs. Taylor; Mr. J. Ford, Drybrough’s; Mrs. Birtles; and Mr. J. T. T. Taylor, Gilbey Vintners (Scotland. 1971.
In the News 1972…
Cruising with the “Ben”
Mrs. W Kelly; Mrs W M Dougall; Mrs P Traill (Lambert’s); and Mr. A Stewart (Buchanan Booth’s Agencies.) 1972.
The Annual Firth of Clyde excursion of the Scottish Wine and Spirit Merchants’ Benevolent Institution again proved an outstanding success when it was held last week in excellent weather.
Most of the party travelled from Glasgow and joined the Queen Mary II at Gourock, others doing so at Dunoon and Rothesay. Mr. John Milne, secretary, his co-directors, and Mr. Gavin Mason, secretary, were well pleased with the strong support the cruise received from Trade members and their wives, some of whom are pictured on this page.
Members of the “Ben” Brodick proved a popular port of call and some of the excursionists are seen disembarking to spend a short time ashore. 1972.
The group on deck comprises Mr. M. Lee (Prince of Wales, Port Glasgow); Mr. F. Robertson (Usher’s); Mrs. Jean Lindsay (Dick’s Bar) Gallowgate; Mr. and Mrs. M. MacPherson (Murdie’s Bar) Airdrie; r. Bryce Clarkson (Usher’s); and Mr. F. Keay (Centre Half) Barrhead.
Mr. A Egan (Woodend hotel) Mossend, is on left and Mr. F. Egan (Silver Bell) Holytown, on right. Between them is Mr. J Boyle (Drybrough’s.)
Mr. Eric Ewart (Johnnie Walker); Mr. J. Watson (Schweppes); Mr. Watson Morrison (The Clachan); Mrs. and Mr. Hugh Nicol (Royal Oak, Barrhead.)
From left: Mrs. MacFarlane (Rogano Ltd); Mrs. and Mr. I. Ingram (Samuel Dow); Mr. G Fleming (Friarshill Hotel, Paisley); Miss Valerie Grant (Rogano Ltd); Mr. Ian Kennedy (Peter Dawson); Miss Jean Orr (Skandia, Glasgow.) 1972.
The “BEN” annual Dinner February 1972.
Guests at the “Ben” dinner are (left to right) Mr. J. Christie (K.G. IV); Mr. George Grier (President, Glasgow L.T.A.); Mr. W Rae (assistant chief constable); and Mr. J. D. Dunn ( J. and J. Dunn). 1972.
Other members Do you know who these Gentlemen are?
At Camphill Ward Annual Social Event. 1972
Personalities at the annual dinner-dance of the Camphill Ward of the Glasgow and District Licensed Trade Defence Association in the Shawlands Hotel, left to right: Mr. George Ramster, secretary; Mrs. Ramster; Mr. George Grier, president; Mrs. and convener Mr. James Flynn; Mrs. Grier; and Mrs. and Mr. Robert Logan McLaughlin, secretary, Camphill Ward. 1972.
Members of the Dunfermline and District L.T.A. made their fist visit to the premises of the D.A.L., Edinburgh, where they were entertained, included in the party were Messrs., James Grandison, president; David Parry, vice-president; Archibald Sims, secretary; Henry Harper; William Brown; Findlay Sinclair; James Chandler; James Penman; and Ross Strewart, J. Christie and G. Barr, of D.A.L. 1972.
Glasgow Licensed Trade Association Ball, 1972.
The annual dinner-dance of the Glasgow and District Licensed Trade Defence Association, held again in the Bellahouston Hotel, Ibrox, was the usual happy occasion.
Mr. George Grier, chairman of the Association, presided over the gathering of several hundreds of members and their ladies and friends.
The principal guest was the Lord Provost, Sir Donald Liddle, who acknowledged the toast of “The City of Glasgow”, proposed by Mr. John Milne (Eadie Cairns.) The main toast, “The Association,” was submitted by Mr. John Ligertwood (Whyte & MacKay) and replied to by the chairman, to whom a vote of thanks was proposed by Mr. Alex Don, president of the Scottish Wine and Spirit Merchants’ Benevolent Institution.
Pictured from left to right upper image are: Mr. J. Hood, town clerk depute, and Mrs. Hood; Mr. J. A. Gow, chairman, Scottish Licensed Trade Veto Defence Fund, and Mrs. Gow; Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Don, president, Scottish Wine and Spirit Merchants’ Benevolent Inst.
In the other image with their ladies, are: Mr. R. A. Lamont (Wills); Mr. M. J. Heraghty, convener, Gorbals Ward of Glasgow Association; and Mr. O. G. Prosser (The Picador). 1972.
In this group at the “BEN” dinner are left to right: Mr. K Kalm (Carlsberg, Copenhagen); Mr. J. S. W. Mercer (Ind Coope); Sheriff A.A. MacDonald; Mr. C. M. F. Ewing (president , S.L.T.A.); Mr. P. E. G. Balfour (Scottish and Newcastle); and Mr. J. E. Milne (vice-president of the Benevolent Institution.) 1972.
Snapped at the “Ben dinner are Mr. Martin (White Horse) and Mr. Roy Grier. 1972.
In the News 1973…
The bright sunny weather brought out the sun glasses, as evidenced in the pictures on the next few images will tell, when the Scottish Wine and Spirit Merchants’ Benevolent Institution held their annual cruise on the Firth of Clyde.:
Included are Mr. J. Donnachie (The Devon Bar); Mr. J. McCormack; Mr. E. Mulgrew, Dewer’s; Mr. T. M. Park (J. & R. Harvey). 1973
This Dunn & Moore party includes Mr. T. Doherty; Mr. O. G. Prosser (The Picador); Mr. J. Dunn and ladies. 1973.
Seated here are Mr. James Deery (The Inn, Lambhill); Mr. Michael Deery (Double 4); Mr. J. Boyle (Drybrough’s); Mr. Daniel Boyle (The Glenabber). 1973.
Messrs. G. Davidson (Venture, Linwood); Mr. E. ? (Reid’s, Partick); H. Dobie (Esquire House); P. Higgins (Reid’s, Partick); J. Hunter (Skol); E. Mulgrew (Dewar’s); M. Reid (T. C. Reid). Can you name the missing man? 1973.
Included in this happy group are Mr. W. Ruxton (Ruxton’s Bar); Mr. W. R. Anderson (Kilmarnock Arms, Kilmarnock); Mr. E. Vodden, Kilmarnock; Mr. W. H. McAllister and Mr. E. Ewart, both of Johnny Walker, and ladies. 1973.
Mr. A. M. Don (Dunn & Moore), past president, and Mr. A. Sutter (Buchanan Booth’s Agencies) standing. Seated, Mr. A. Stewart (Buchanan Booth’s); Mrs. E. Prosser; Mr. J. Brown (Ingram Bar); and Mr. P. Taylor (Albany Hotel). 1973.
Mr. J. Dougan (Douglas Arms, Gallowgate); Mr. N. Dougan, Windsor Tavern, Dumbarton Road; Mrs. H. Dougan: Mrs. J. Douglas; and Mr. H. Dougan (Glen Bar, Royston). 1973.
In the News 1973…
Picture Parade with Glasgow Vintners.
Pictured above are some of the personalities who attended the annual dinner-dance of the Glasgow Vintners in the Bellahouston Hotel, Glasgow. 1973.
The pictures, from top to bottom include:
Mr. D. Bradley (Spring Inn, Springburn), junior vice-president; Mrs. Bradley; Mrs. Ramster; Mr. George Ramster, secretary, Glasgow and District Licensed Trade Defence Association; Mrs. E Smyth; Mr. Edward Smyth, president, Glasgow Vintners; Mrs. McGrath; Bailie G. McGrath, senior magistrate, Glasgow; Mrs. J. Flynn; and Mr. John Flynn, senior vice-president, Glasgow Vintners.
Bailie McGrath; Mr. John Waterson; Mrs. A. Stewart; Mrs. J. McCabe; Mrs. J. Waterson; Mr. J. McCabe; Mrs. McGrath; and Mr. A. Stewart, Buchanan Booth’s.
Mr. S. O’Leary, Park Lane Tavern, Glasgow; Mr. Angus MacDonald, Firhill Tavern; Mr. D Gilroy, the Viking; Mr. J McDevitt, the Killearn Bar; and ladies. 1973.
In the News 1973…
Gorbals Jollity.
The Gorbals Ward of Glasgow and District Licensed Trade Defence Association dinner and dance in the Albany Hotel was the usual jolly affair, with the cares of the workaday world cast aside for the evening.
Left to right are Mr. R. M. Russell (Guinness); Mrs. J. Gow; Mrs. Russell; Mr. M. J. Heraghty, who presided; Mrs. Heraghty; Mr. J. Gow; and Mr. G. Ramster. 1973.
The six ladies in this picture are: Mrs. E. O’Doherty; Mrs. I. Kennedy, Paisley; Mrs. T. Doherty; Mrs. O. Prosser; Mrs. J. McAulay; and Mrs. C. R. Blues. During the proceedings £24 was collected for the Scottish Wine and Spirit Merchants’ Benevolent Institution. 1973.
In the News 1974…
Aberdeen S.L.T.A. publican Stanley Hay, golfer of the month, July 1974.
Gorbals L. T. A. group image at Arthur Bell & Sons tasting. 1974.
In the News 1974…
In this picture are the officials of the Scottish Licensed Trade Veto Defence Fund, who visited the Harp Lager Brewery and were entertained by Mr. Terry Doherty and Mr. Bob Denholm, production manager.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Flynn; Mr. Roy Grier; Mr. & Mrs. G. P. Whyte; Mr. & Mrs. J. Gow; Mr. & Mrs. G. Edwards; Mr. & Mrs. J. G. Ross; Mr. Doherty; Mr. Denholm; and Maxine Bennett, brewery guide. 1974.
In the News 1974…
The Vintners Night Out…
Pictured at the recent Glasgow Vintners function in the Bellahouston Hotel are (above) Mr. & Mrs. H. Dougan, the Glen Bar: Mrs. & Mr. J. Deery, The Inn, Lambhill; Mrs. M. Byrne, The New Hawthorn; and Mr. W. Lochhead, United Rum Merchants.
Below: Mr. F. H. Robertson, Usher’s; Mrs. and Mr. D. Hurrell, Betty’s Bar; Mrs. F. H. Robertson; Mr. A. Deans, Carlsberg; and Mrs. & Mr. P. A. Anderson, Gordon Arms, Gallowgate. 1974.
In the News 1974…
After the a.g.m. last week of the Glasgow Association in the Bellahouston Hotel, members were entertained to hospitality by several host companies: Ind Coope; White Horse; United Rum Merchants; Schweppes and Player’s. Pictured above are: D. Wood (White Horse); I. Parsons (Schweppes); W. A. Morrison; Miss Irene Gillon: D. A. MacLean; J. Young; A. Stewart; and J. McDevitt. 1974.
In the News 1974…
Partick Bowlers win Trophy.
Mr. George Wright, area manager, Tennents Caledonian Breweries (left), presents the Tennents Trophy to the Patrick West rink, represented by W. McCann; W. Coggans; A. Jordan and C. Duncan. In the picture also (wearing glasses) is Mr. Roy Grier, Glasgow Association Vice-president, who presided at the prize giving. 1974.
Members of Glasgow and District Licensed Trade Defence Association spent an enjoyable afternoon at Wellcroft Bowling Green last week, when they competed in the inter-ward competition, under local veto auspices, for the Tennent Trophy.
It was won by Patrick West (W. McCann, W. Coggans, A. Jordan and C. Duncan.) Runners-up were Langside (J. Campbell, T. Flynn, N. McLean and G. Whyte.) Ten rinks competed.
Presiding, Mr. Roy Grier, vice-president, Glasgow Association, said he was very pleased to see Kilmarnock district represented by two rinks. He thanked Wellcroft Club for the facilities provided.
Among those at the top table were Mr. George Wright, of Tennent Caledonian, who presented the trophy: Mr. Gordon Whyte, secretary, Scottish Licensed Trade Veto Defence Fund; Mr. Tom Flynn, hon. president of the Fund; and Mr. George Ramster, secretary, Glasgow Association.
Some of the bowlers. They include H. Gallagher, R. McCrudden, C. Sweeney and E. O’Doherty of the Gorbals and W. McCann, W. Coggans, A. Jordan and C. Duncan, Patrick West. 1974.
In the NEWS 1974…
S.L.T.A. honour former Vice-President.
Mr. R. B. Chassels, former treasurer and junior vice-president of the Scottish Licensed Trade Association, was honoured by the office-bearer at a lunch in Edinburgh recently. To mark his service, Mr. Chassels, who had to demit office when he sold his business, was presented with a digital clock radio by the president, Arthur Squair, on behalf of the office-bearers. Others in the picture are from (left to right): William Meikle, treasurer: Morris Barr, past president; Mrs. Helen Preston, junior vice-president; J. G. Ross, senior vice-president: and Eric Ridehalgh, secretary. 1974.
In the NEWS 1974…
Scottish Licensed Trade Association office-bearers and members of the Executive with their wives were entertained to lunch at Prestonfield House Hotel, Edinburgh, by Mr Terry Doherty, sales manager Scotland and North East England, Harp Lager.
In an atmosphere of convivial informality Mr Doherty welcomed his guests and presented the president Mr A. Morris Barr, with a gift acknowledging his near completion of two years in office.
Pictured (left to right): J. G. Ross; A. J. H. Squair; W. Meikle; A. M. Barr; Mrs MacDonald; I. S. MacDonald; Mrs Ross; Mrs Barr; W. Campbell Henderson; Mrs Squair; E. W. Ridehalgh (secretary); Mrs Doherty and T Doherty.
A party from Glasgow, on visiting the Harp Lager Brewery, Edinburgh, were welcomed by Mr T. Doherty, sales manager, and accompanied by Mr W. Pender, Mr A. MacKay, Mr G. McAlpine and Mr I. Gill of Scottish & Newcastle Breweries Ltd.
Pictured at the brewery before lunch at the King James Hotel are: Mr & Mrs M. Henderson, 13 Cowcaddens; Mr & Mrs Bruce c/o Picador, 81 Renfield Street; Mrs Sutherland and partner, The Wallace Bar, 43 High Street, Renfrew; Mr & Mrs E. O’Doherty, 95 London Road; Mr & Mrs Richardson, 9 Sauchiehall Street; Miss McMenamin and partner, 326 Gallowgate; Mr & Mrs J. Dougan, the Glen, Royston Road; Mr & Mrs H. Derby, Rangers Social Club; Mrs Walker and Mrs Fotheringham, John Knox Street; Mr & Mrs D. G. Orr, 66 Prospecthill Square; Mr & Mrs Smith, 509 Victoria Road; Mr & Mrs E. Lugg, 39 Eastwoodmains Road; Maxine Bennet, Brewery guide; Mr W. Pender; Mr A. MacKay; Mr G. McAlpine; Mr I. Gill; and Mr. T. Doherty. 1974.
In The NEWS 1974…
Annual Dinner Dance of the Glasgow and District Licensed Trade Defence Association in the Albany Hotel, Glasgow.
Mr J. M. Martin, White Horse Distillery; Miss Linda Gow; Mrs Gow and Mr J. Gow, president; Mrs McLean-Anderson and Mr T. McLean-Anderson, president, Edinburgh Licensed Trade Association; and Mrs McNee and Mr D. McNee, Chief Constable, Glasgow. 1974.
Mr D. Hurrell, Betty’s Bar; Mrs Robertson; Mrs Hurrell; Mrs Dougan; Mr F. H. Robertson, Usher’s; and standing, Mr H. Dougan, Glen Bar. 1974.
Mr J. Flynn, president, Glasgow Vintners; Mrs Flynn; Mr George Ramster, secretary, Glasgow Association; Mrs J. Waterson; Mr W. Martin, Calypso; Mrs Ramster; and Mr J. Waterson. 1974.
Tribute At Dance To Jack Gow. 1975.
In welcoming the large attendance at the annual dinner and dance of the Glasgow and District Licensed Trade Defence Association, Mr. Jack Gow, president, said he was glad to see a good turnout from those outside the Glasgow area.
Speeches of a high standard marked the evening, and Mr. T. Doherty, Scottish sales manager, Harp Lager, proposed the main toast. “The Association,” replied to by Mr. Jack Gow.
Mr. Arthur Squair, S.L.T.A. president, paid tribute to Mr. Gow’s work on behalf of the Scottish Association and to his efforts in fighting against “the deadly cancer of Veto.”
Group includes Mr. Arthur Squair, president, Scottish Licensed Trade Association; Mr. Terry Doherty, Scottish sales manager, Harp Lager; Mr. Jack Gow, Glasgow Association president; and Bailie Michael Kelly. 1975.
Also at the dinner dance was Mr. J. McDevitt, Killearn Bar; Mr. J. Boyle, Dixon’s Blazes; Mr. P. Byrne, New Hawthorn Bar; and Mrs. Robertson, Mrs. McDevitt, and Mrs. Byrne. 1975.
Mr. J. Stevenson, president, Paisley and District L.T.A.; Mr. W. Martin, junior vice-president, Glasgow Association; Mr. Roy Grier, senior vice-president, Glasgow Association; Mr. John Flynn, president, Glasgow Vintners; Mr. George Ramster, secretary, Glasgow Association; and ladies. 1975.
In the NEWS 1975…
Bill Kelly is President of the Scottish Wine and Spirit Merchants’ Benevolent Institution.
Following his election as president of the Scottish Wine and Spirit Merchants’ Benevolent Institution, Mr. Bill Kelly, director for Scotland of Grants of St. James’s, invited his office-bearers and a number of licensed trade personalities to an informal lunch.
Among nhis guests was Mr. Tony Knutt, sales director of Grants of St. James’s who had come from London for the occasion. In a happy touch Bill Kelly invited his guests to introduce the person on each one’s left, and he interrupted this only twice in order to pay special tribute to Donald Blair (A. Menzies & Son, Paisley) for his service to “BEN,” and to Wilson Hunter now retired after nine splendid years as treasurer.
The lunch ended with another happy touch when new vice-president Leslie Hodge (Grant’s Standfast) presented Mr. Kelly with a £63 cheque for the fund from his company.
At the “BEN” annual general meeting: Vice-President Leslie B. C. Hodge, treasurer John E Milne (Eadie Cairns), President Bill Kelly, director I. H. MacKinlay (Scottish & Newcastle), and director R. S. Middlemass (J. & A. Ferguson Ltd.) 1975.
Mr. C. Lombardi (Dambrosio, McKinlay & Lombardi,) D. H. Crake (Rintoul,) R. M. R. Yorke. 1975.
Mr. W. J. Dunn (Dunn & Moore (sales Ltd), Terry Doherty (Harp Lager), J. M. Martin (White Horse), B. McDonald (Drybrough). 1975.
Strathclyde Licensed Trade Association 1977…
At the A.G.M of the Strathclyde Licensed Trade Association., are Mr Jack Gow, president, with (on left) Mr George Ramster, secretary, and Mr Roy Grier, senior vice-president; and on right, Mr John Waterson, junior vice-president, and Mr Raymond McCrudden, treasurer. 1977.
Do you know anything about these gentlemen or any other publican or pub in the city?
If so please contact us and we will review your comments.
In October of 1889 about sixty gentlemen, deligates and members of the Defence Association, enjoyed a Friday trip to Inveraray by the famous Loch Eck route, and sailed on the river steamer “Lord of the Isles” The company were then photographed at Strachur.
Glasgow and District Licensed Trade Defence Association had arranged to hold their annual general meeting in the Grosvenor Restaurant, Glasgow, on Tuesday, January 27, at 10am. The annual dinner-dance of the Association took place also at the Grosvenor on Thursday, March 12, 1970.
Hello there my great grandfather George Boyd was a wine and spirit merchant in Glasgow. I know that my granny was married above what we believe was the pub that he ran on Hillfoot Street in Glasgow. I can’t find any details of a pub there.Would this be something you would have information about? Thanks Richard