Supporting the History of Glasgow
When you become a premium member of Old Glasgow Pubs, you will personally be helping to not only preserve the history on this site but will also help to fund all future research! Unfortunately, the cost to host a site this big (Over 2,500 thousand posts and even more pictures) comes at quite a large cost, but with your help, it will make it possible to continue this great site.
For £4.50 per month, you can support this great site and gain some fantastic perks including a monthly online publication (issue of the National Guardian).
Monthly Online Publication
As part of your membership to the site, we will be publishing a different edition of the National Guardian every month for you to enjoy online. The digital copy of the National Guardian is available exclusively for Old Glasgow Pubs members and was digitised by us with help from website donations.
What is the National Guardian?
The National Guardian is a VERY valuable source for the licenced trade in Scotland. The National Guardian was published every week and contains news articles, pictures and stories about Pubs, Publicans and other licensed premises in the country.
The National Guardian was part of Dalross Limited and was printed at their Head Office at 82 Mitchell Street, Glasgow
Is the National Guardian Only about Glasgow?
No, the National Guardian covers the whole of Scotland, but there is a high amount of entries about Glasgow and the surrounding areas too. The articles about the rest of Scotland is still interesting because they often mention Glaswegian pubs and publicans or sometimes a photo of publicans that moved to a new area.