5 Maryhill Road, Glasgow. Now 12 Clarendon Place, Glasgow, G20 7PZ. Tel: 0141 352 9816.
Castle Vaults. 1991.
Castle Vaults. 2005.
George MacLachlan owned this pub in 1880. Brothers George and John MacLachlan owned many pubs in the city including the Castle Brewery in Maryhill and the Auchentoshan Distillery, Duntocher. They sold Castle brand Pale Ales, Imperial Stouts, Iona, Five Castle and Auchentoshan whiskies. Their headquarters were the Castle Chambers in West Regent Street.
Tennent Caledonian Breweries took over the firm.
This is the last surviving pub that still retains the name.
Castle Vaults. 2006.
The Castle Vaults Logo.
The brothers had 2 licensed premises on Springburn Road, one on New City Road, 2 on Renfield Street, West Nile Street, Polmadie Road, Govan Road, South Wellington Street, Main Street, Maryhill, St George’s Road, Gairbraid Street, they also owned pubs outside Glasgow.
Another pub the brother’s formerly owned was in Paisley Road West.
Castle Vaults, old postcard. c 1950s.
Mr George Maclachlan.
Mr John Maclachlan.
In 1888 John MacLachlan was also licensee of the Public House, 39 Renfield Street, Glasgow. This was a comfortable pub frequented by lawyers and businessmen, the pub was managed by Alexander Anderson. On entering the pub from the side door, there was many little snug’s or rooms all with perforated seating, the bar was heated by hot water pipes, there were no fire-places in this pub. Stained glass panelling in the doors and windows were beautifully decorated, the bar was made from the finest mahogany. The Castle Blend of old Scotch whisky was sold here.
Interior view of the Public House. 1888.
In Oct 1889 was the opening of the Castle Brewery, Maryhill, Glasgow. Messrs. George & John MacLachlan entertained a large number of gents to dinner on the occasion . The new brewery was situated almost opposite the barracks in Maryhill, (Police Station.) The company after inspecting the brewery, sat down to dinner, purveyed by Mr Peter Hamilton, Argyle Street, Glasgow. The chair was occupied by George MacLachlan, senior partner of the firm, and the croupiers were John MacLachlan (junior partner) and Sir John D Astley. Among those present were.- Colonel Forrest, Provosts Watson, Ferguson and Scouler; Bailie Thomson, Lord Mandeville, Captain Fielding, Captain Ballantyne, Major Ferry; Messrs. Cox, Dickie, McKay, A Campbell, McDonald, Cameron and Hillcoat. The toast of the evening “Success to the Castle Brewery” was proposed by Provost Watson, and responded to by the chairman. A number of other toasts followed and a most enjoyable evening was spent.
The brewery had to a large extent been built upon the premises vacated some time since by Messrs. Robert Jeffrey & Sons, Linen and Cotton manufacturers, and the ground, buildings, and accessories cover an area of fully an acre. They were fitted with all the new appliances for brewing ale and stout, and the firm in making the preliminary arrangements for starting the concern, found a rare spring of water on the premises in the shape of an artesian well.
Do you have any memories of this well-known Public House? If so please leave a comment.