In 1892 there were rumours going round the licensed trade that in Greenock, the White Hart Hotel will shortly be converted into new premises for the Clydesdale Bank. This is a historic building dating back to 1770, and the site at the corner of Cathcart Square one of the most suitable in town. It is said also that the Caledonian Railway Company will build an extensive hotel on the vacant ground adjoining Cathcart Street Station. This would supply the need there would be for a first-class hotel in the Tontine (taken by the post-office) and the White Hart were taken away.
In 1892 Mr James Dursley, lately an active member of the Trade in Greenock, has now settled down in business as the host of the Canadian Hotel, Pearl Street, Roath, Cardiff.
Brown william, 40 Westburn Street, Greenock.
McCormick john, Harvie Lane, Greenock.
Have you information on Matthew Fleming Wine Merchant 46 Lyndoch Street Greenock circa 1878-1890?