The Nia Roo: 599 Nitshill Road, Glasgow. G53 7RS. Tel: 01418814273.
Nia Roo. 1991.
This was the brain wave of the Grier family, once a well known and respected family in the Scottish Licensed Trade. The strange thing is that you still hear the name Grier popping up now and again in Glasgow pubs when you listen to the older generation reminiscing.
The name Nia Roo spelt backwards is Oor Ain, with Glaswegian’s this means Our Own pub.
To read more on the history of the Grier family, check back soon for our second book.
Some of the pubs the Grier family owned…
The Trossachs Bar in 31 Parson Street, Townhead.
3 in 1 Bar, 238 Woodlands Road.
Nia Roo, 599 Nitshill Road.
Square Rig, Crossland Road, Govan.
The 111 Bar in Castle Street.
Anchor Bar in Kelvinhaugh Street.
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