244 Buchanan Street, Glasgow. G1 2NG. Demolished.
This image from the 1930s shows Stones Ltd at 222 and on the left 224 Buchanan Street which was the site of the Clachan Bar.
Mr Marcus Calder Campbell owned this old bar in 1887, food was catered for as well as good quality liquor. The Campbell family served the locals here until 1913. The pub was then taken over by James Stenhouse, still keeping the Clachan Bar name. The pub closed for good in 1918. The following year it became the Reformer’s Bookstall.
Situated well up in this fashionable street the main bar which opened from Buchanan Street was spacious and luxuriously furnished, substantial armchairs lined the walls opposite the counter bar. The rear of the premises was used as a restaurant where snacks and dinners were served. The famous Glenalbyn blend of old Scotch whisky was dispensed here in all its purity. McEwan’s 126 shilling sweet ale was also served here.
Cut lemon was always on the counter and other titbits. Mr Campbell had other premises in 299 Argyle Street called the Glen Albyn.
There has been a pub on this site since 1880, occupied by landlord James Hunter. However there has been a licensed restaurant and dining rooms here since the 1860s. In 1887 Marcus C Campbell took over the pub, he continued as licensee until his wife took over the running of the business. She introduced a luncheon room at the rear of the premises which proved to be quite successful. Mr & Mrs Campbell were aided by their two sons who worked hard behind the bar during busy times and on summer holidays.
In 1887 Mr Campbell catered for the new Liberal Club in Glasgow, he had the opportunity of showing his skill and good management when the General Committee met at dinner in the Club house in Buchanan Street. The charge for the dinner was most moderate at 4 shillings.
The Menu…..
Consomme a Royale, De Poisson lie,
Cabillaud Sauce aux Hultres, Merian Frits,
Boudins de Lievre, Sauce au Vin, Haggis, Cotelettes de Mouton a la Macedoine,
Aloyan de Boeuf Roti, Legumes,
Perdreaux, Pommes de Terre Frits,
Poudin Diplomatique, Croutes a la Liberal Club,
In 1886 Andrew MacGregor, wine and spirit merchant was running the pub, the name of the premises was the Lycern. Before this the property was used as a restaurant. In 1885 it was called the Caledonian Restaurant owned by Mr J Clark.
In 1860 Mrs Graham ran the restaurant and dining rooms.
Do you remember any of the old pubs on Buchanan Street? If so please leave a comment.