5 Clyde Place, Glasgow.
Clyde Place was the first street you reach when you cross the bridge at Bridge Street on the right hand side. The Kintyre Bar was situated just before you went under the bridge, you can just see the start of the bridge on the right of the photograph which was taken in 1930s. The pub was demolished shortly afterwards.
This old pub started life as a licensed restaurant run by Alexander Munro in 1844, the name above the door was then the South Western Restaurant. A successful business was carried out by the family for over fifty years. John Munro trained as a pastry baker in his fathers restaurant and ultimately became licensee after his father’s death.
The Murray family also ran the business for many years which closed down in the 1930s.
Clyde Place was a thriving street at one time, the Bridge Street railway station was just around the corner, the Clyde Place, Windmillcroft and Springfield Quays were here along with Kingston Docks. Clyde place also had it’s fair share of public houses, in the short distance from West Street to Bridge Street you had the choice of going into one of eight pubs and a licensed grocers shop. In 1899 the Kingston Ward had a massive 103 pubs.
Other well known pubs on Clyde Place was The Gael Vaults formerly called Sydney Arms, McWilliam’s Vaults, Matthew Robin & Son, David Ross’s, Ireland’s Bar and the Neptune.
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