149 London Road,Calton, Glasgow.
The Oxford Tavern. 1991.
This very old east end pub has an interesting history to read more, check back soon for our second book.
Oxford Tavern on the right and the Nags head on the left. 1960.
Interior view of the Oxford Tavern, an interesting gantry. 1990.
Waxies Dargle as it was called just before it closed it’s door for good. Photograph taken August 2005.
In 1892 the proprietor of the Volunteer Arms as it was called then, was wine and spirit merchant James Crawford, he stated that his premises had a large room or hall that could hold about sixty people, there was also several small rooms or snug’s for private parties and ample lavatory accommodation, fitted up with the latest sanitary appliances. The cellar was kept delightfully cool by natural springs that trinkles down the sides, he either had a very sophisticated cooling system many a publican would be envy of or the water he had running down the walls was actually an over-flow of the Molandinar burn. His whisky and ales were forced up by air-pressure, the stock casks were fitted up in such a way that the contents can be seen at a glance. Mr Eben Wren the able manager of the pub worked in the bar for many years.
John (Jack) Devin was proprietor for many years, he was a well known member of the Scottish Licensed Trade.
Golfing Vintners’ Big Night Out.
The Glasgow Vintners Golf Club’s annual dinner and dance and presentation of prizes in the Eagle Lodge, Bishopbriggs, was a tremendous Success.
Pictured shows a group of prizewinners. from left Charles Sweeney, Arlington Bar (Captain’s Prize); Jack Devlin, Oxford Bar (Cantrell & Cochrane Cup); John Boyle, Waverley Bar (Queen Anne Trophy); Tony Ferry, Alamo Bar, Paisley (Silver Stag and Club Championship); Hugh McLaughlin, Ascot Bar (Dunn & Moore Coronation Cup); Peter Smith Shedden’s Bar (Skol Cup); Bill Martin, Calypso Bar (Vintner’s Tankard); Eddie Smythe, Anvil Bar (The Younger Putter); Ian Kennedy Molls Mire (The Brady Trophy).
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